home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- Last updated : Mon Sep 16 15:20:57 1996
- Modified by JSP from code by Charles Hawkins <ceh@eng.cam.ac.uk>,
- J.S.Peatfield@damtp.cam.ac.uk
- Copyright (c) University of Cambridge, 1993,1994,1995,1996
- $Revision: 1.2 $
- $Date: 1997/02/26 20:25:02 $
- */
- /* Standard headers */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <netinet/ip.h>
- #include <netinet/ip_icmp.h>
- #include <netdb.h>
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #include <net/if.h>
- #include <net/if_arp.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- /* local headers */
- #include "bootpc.h"
- /* My global variables */
- int bootp_verbose = 0 ; /* verbose mode or not 10/02/94 JSP */
- int bootp_debug = 0 ; /* debug mode or not 14/02/94 JSP */
- static int returniffail ; /* Return to the user if we fail */
- static int printflag; /* Print control */
- static int sockfd;
- int performBootp(char *device,
- char *server,
- char *bootfile,
- int timeout_wait,
- int givenhwaddr,
- struct ifreq *their_ifr,
- int waitformore,
- int bp_rif,
- int bp_pr)
- {
- struct ifreq ifr;
- struct sockaddr_in cli_addr, serv_addr;
- struct bootp *bootp_xmit, *bootp_recv;
- fd_set rfds, wfds, xfds;
- struct timeval timeout ;
- int32 rancopy ;
- int cookielength ;
- long plen ;
- int retry_wait, waited=0 ;
- int one=1, i ;
- struct timeval tp;
- int received_packet = 0 ;
- /* See RFC1497, RFC1542 09/02/94 JSP */
- unsigned char mincookie[] = {99,130,83,99,255} ;
- returniffail=bp_rif ;
- printflag=bp_pr ;
- /* zero structure before use */
- memset((char *) &serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr));
- serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(server) ;
- serv_addr.sin_port = htons(IPPORT_BOOTPS);
- if((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
- logMessage("bootpc: socket failed %s", strerror(errno));
- return BootpFatal();
- }
- if (setsockopt(sockfd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_BROADCAST,&one,sizeof(one))==-1) {
- logMessage("bootpc: setsockopt failed %s", strerror(errno));
- return BootpFatal();
- }
- memset((char *) &cli_addr, 0, sizeof(cli_addr));
- cli_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- cli_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
- cli_addr.sin_port = htons(IPPORT_BOOTPC);
- if(bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, sizeof(cli_addr)) < 0) {
- logMessage("bootpc: bind failed %s", strerror(errno));
- return BootpFatal();
- }
- /* allocate bootp packet before we use it */
- bootp_xmit = (struct bootp *) malloc(BUFSIZ) ;
- memset((char *) bootp_xmit, 0, BUFSIZ) ;
- bootp_recv = (struct bootp *) malloc(BUFSIZ) ;
- memset((char *) bootp_recv, 0, BUFSIZ) ;
- /* Don't do this if we were given the MAC address to use. 27/09/94 JSP */
- if (givenhwaddr) {
- /* If I'm spoofing my HW address then have the reply broadcast */
- bootp_xmit->bp_flags |= BPFLAG_BROADCAST;
- /* Assuming ETHER if given HW */
- ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER ;
- ifr.ifr_hwaddr = their_ifr->ifr_hwaddr ;
- } else {
- /* Get the hardware address, and family information */
- memcpy(ifr.ifr_name, device, strlen(device)+1);
- if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr) < 0) {
- logMessage("bootpc: ioctl failed %s", strerror(errno));
- return BootpFatal();
- }
- }
- /* Check the network family if in NET3 or later, before NET3 you couldn't
- examine this info (as far as I know.) */
- /* set the htype field from the sa.family of the hardware address, if
- this doesn't work for your interface type let me know please. */
- bootp_xmit->bp_htype = ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family;
- bootp_xmit->bp_hlen = IFHWADDRLEN ; /* All MAC addresses are the same length */
- if (bootp_debug)
- logMessage("Got family=%d (Ether=%d)",
- bootp_xmit->bp_htype, ARPHRD_ETHER);
- /* If we have the time seed with it xor the hardware address, otherwise
- use the hardware address 12/02/94 JSP */
- if (gettimeofday(&tp, NULL) == -1)
- rancopy = 0 ;
- else
- rancopy = tp.tv_sec + tp.tv_usec ;
- /* Do the XOR */
- for (i=0; i < IFHWADDRLEN ; ++i) {
- ((unsigned char *)&rancopy)[ i % sizeof(rancopy) ] ^=
- ((unsigned char *)(ifr.use_hwaddr))[i] ;
- }
- /* and set the seed */
- srand(rancopy) ;
- if(bootp_debug) {
- logMessage("hardware addr is :") ;
- for (i=0; i < bootp_xmit->bp_hlen ; ++i)
- logMessage("%2.2X ", ((unsigned char *)(ifr.use_hwaddr))[i]) ;
- }
- /* Now fill in the packet. */
- bootp_xmit->bp_op = BOOTREQUEST ;
- /* Now with my understanding of the bootp protocol we *should* just
- need to copy the hwaddr over, but it seems that at least ARCNET
- bootb servers are wird in this respect. So here is a switch in
- case of other weirdness. JSP */
- switch(bootp_xmit->bp_htype) {
- /* ARCNET uses a "fake" ethernet address, with the ARCNET address at
- the wrong end. At least the Novell bootp server on ARCNET assumes
- this. Thanks to Tomasz Motylewski <motyl@tichy.ch.uj.edu.pl> for
- reporting this. */
- memcpy(bootp_xmit->bp_chaddr+IFHWADDRLEN-1, (char *)(ifr.use_hwaddr), 1) ;
- bootp_xmit->bp_htype=ARPHRD_ETHER;
- bootp_xmit->bp_hlen=IFHWADDRLEN;
- break ;
- /* Add other network weirdness here */
- /* For sensible networks the rest is normal */
- default :
- memcpy(bootp_xmit->bp_chaddr,
- (char *)(ifr.use_hwaddr),
- bootp_xmit->bp_hlen) ;
- }
- /* Must start with zero here, see RFC1542 09/02/94 JSP */
- bootp_xmit->bp_secs = 0;
- /* Put in the minimal RFC1497 Magic cookie 09/02/94 JSP */
- memcpy(bootp_xmit->bp_vend, mincookie, sizeof(mincookie));
- /* Put the user precified bootfile name in place 12/02/94 */
- memcpy(bootp_xmit->bp_file, bootfile, strlen(bootfile)+1);
- /* put a random value in here, but keep a copy to check later 09/02/94 JSP */
- bootp_xmit->bp_xid = rancopy = rand() ;
- retry_wait = 2 ;
- if (bootp_verbose)
- logMessage("BOOTPclient broadcast...");
- while (((waited <= timeout_wait) && !received_packet) ||
- ((waited <= waitformore) && received_packet)) {
- if (!received_packet) { /* Move this to a sendpacket function */
- /* set time of this timeout 09/02/94 JSP */
- bootp_xmit->bp_secs = waited ;
- if (bootp_verbose) {
- logMessage("."); fflush(stderr);
- }
- if (bootp_debug) {
- logMessage("Size = %ld", (long)sizeof(struct bootp)) ;
- }
- if(sendto(sockfd, bootp_xmit, sizeof(struct bootp), 0,
- (struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) {
- logMessage("bootpc: sendto %s", strerror(errno));
- return BootpFatal();
- }
- }
- /* Move rest of this loop to a receivepacket function */
- FD_SET(sockfd,&rfds);
- FD_ZERO(&wfds);
- FD_ZERO(&xfds);
- /* Randomise the delays a little as suggested in RFC1542 09/02/94 JSP */
- timeout.tv_sec = retry_wait + (1+(rand() & (retry_wait-1))) ;
- timeout.tv_usec = 0;
- waited += timeout.tv_sec ; /* Add this to the total time we have waited */
- if(select(sockfd+1, &rfds, &wfds, &xfds, &timeout)<0) {
- logMessage("bootpc: select %s", strerror(errno));
- return BootpFatal();
- }
- if(!FD_ISSET(sockfd, &rfds)) {
- retry_wait = retry_wait*2;
- } else {
- if ((plen = recvfrom(sockfd, bootp_recv, BUFSIZ, 0,
- (struct sockaddr *)NULL, (int *)NULL)) < 0){
- logMessage("bootpc: recvfrom %s", strerror(errno));
- return BootpFatal();
- }
- if (bootp_debug) {
- logMessage("plen = %ld plen - sizeof(struct bootp) = %ld",
- (long)plen, (long)(plen - sizeof(struct bootp))) ;
- }
- cookielength = 64 + plen - sizeof(struct bootp) ;
- /* Check xid is what we asked for 09/02/94 JSP */
- if (bootp_recv->bp_xid != rancopy) {
- logMessage("WARNING bp_xid mismatch got 0x%lx sent 0x%lx",
- (long)bootp_recv->bp_xid, (long)rancopy) ;
- if (!bootp_debug) /* Unless bootp_debugging, ignore packet */
- /* WRONG, but we need to do something fatal, we actually
- want to go back to the receive part again to listen
- for more packets */
- exit(1) ;
- }
- if (!received_packet) {
- /* If we haven't already recieved a packet then set the time to wait
- further to be now + time user specified */
- waitformore += waited ;
- received_packet = 1 ;
- } else {
- /* To make it look a bit prettier */
- if (printflag & BP_PRINT_OUT)
- printf ("\n") ;
- }
- /* Pass the cookie info, the mincookie to look for and our address to
- the cookie parser. It needs our address to get the network and
- broadcast bits right if the SUBNET is defined in the cookie.
- 10/02/94 JSP */
- ParsePacket(bootp_recv,
- cookielength,
- mincookie) ;
- }
- }
- if (!received_packet) {
- logMessage("No response from BOOTP server");
- return BootpFatal();
- }
- if (sockfd)
- close (sockfd) ;
- return 0 ; /* Normal exit */
- }
- int BootpFatal()
- {
- if (sockfd)
- close (sockfd) ;
- if (bootp_debug)
- logMessage("In BootpFatal(), errno was %d", errno) ;
- if (returniffail) {
- logMessage("bootpc failed to locate a network address") ;
- return 1 ;
- }
- logMessage(" Unable to locate an IP address for this host.\n"
- " ***Please report this problem**\n\n"
- " [Unable to continue]\n");
- if (bootp_debug)
- logMessage("Will now loop forerver, break out of this to fix") ;
- while(1) {
- /* your eyes are getting heavy.... */
- sleep(1000) ;
- }
- }
- /* Parse Magic cookies as specified in RFC1497, well only the bits we
- are actually interested in... 09/02/94 JSP
- */
- void ParsePacket(struct bootp * bootp_recv,
- int cookielength,
- unsigned char *match)
- {
- int i=0, len, tag ;
- int subnet = 0 ;
- struct in_addr temp ;
- unsigned char *cookie = (unsigned char *)(bootp_recv->bp_vend) ;
- struct in_addr temp_addr, my_addr ;
- temp_addr.s_addr = bootp_recv->bp_siaddr.s_addr ;
- OutString("SERVER", (unsigned char *)inet_ntoa(temp_addr), -1);
- my_addr.s_addr = bootp_recv->bp_yiaddr.s_addr ;
- OutString("IPADDR", (unsigned char *)inet_ntoa(my_addr), -1);
- if (bootp_verbose) {
- logMessage("bp_file len is %d", strlen(bootp_recv->bp_file)) ;
- }
- OutString("BOOTFILE",
- (unsigned char *)bootp_recv->bp_file, -1) ;
- if (bootp_debug) { /* dump cookie contents in HEX 10/02/94 JSP */
- for (i=0; i<cookielength; i++) {
- if ((i%8) == 0)
- logMessage("\n %2.2d :", i) ;
- logMessage(" 0x%2.2X", cookie[i]) ;
- }
- logMessage("") ;
- }
- /* Must get the same cookie back as we sent 09/02/94 JSP */
- for (i=0; i < 4; ++i) {
- if (cookie[i] != match[i]) {
- if (bootp_verbose)
- logMessage("RFC1497 Cookie mismatch at offset %d", i) ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- if (bootp_verbose)
- logMessage("found valid RFC1497 cookie, parsing...") ;
- /* Carry on after the cookie for other data 09/02/94 JSP */
- while (i < cookielength) {
- tag = cookie[i] ;
- if (bootp_verbose)
- logMessage("cookie position %d is %d", i, tag) ;
- /* If we arn't at the end of the cookie and we will need it extract len */
- if ((i < cookielength - 1) && (tag != TAG_PAD) && (tag != TAG_END))
- len = cookie[i+1] ;
- else
- len = 0 ;
- /* Warn if the "length" takes us out of the cookie and truncate */
- if (len + i > cookielength) {
- if (bootp_verbose)
- logMessage("TAG %d at %d. len %d, overrun %d",
- cookie[i], i, len, i + len - cookielength) ;
- /* And truncate in any case even with no warning */
- len = cookielength - i ;
- }
- switch (cookie[i]) { /* The monster switch statement ... */
- /* PAD cookie */
- case TAG_PAD :
- i++ ;
- break ;
- /* SUBNET we are in */
- if (bootp_verbose && len != 4)
- logMessage("WARNING len of tag 1 is %d not 4", len) ;
- memcpy((char *)&temp, cookie + i + 2, 4) ;
- OutString("NETMASK", (unsigned char *)inet_ntoa(temp), -1) ;
- /* Both values are in network order so this doesn't care about the
- ordering 10/02/94 JSP */
- my_addr.s_addr &= temp.s_addr ;
- OutString("NETWORK", (unsigned char *)inet_ntoa(my_addr), -1) ;
- my_addr.s_addr |= ~temp.s_addr ;
- OutString("BROADCAST", (unsigned char *)inet_ntoa(my_addr), -1) ;
- /* defined so we know later that subnet info has been printed 11/02/94 JSP */
- subnet = 1 ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* Time of day */
- /* ignored */
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* IP Gateways (routers) */
- case TAG_GATEWAY :
- OutList("GATEWAYS", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* Timeservers (see RFC-868) */
- OutList("TIMESRVS", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* IEN-116 Nameservers */
- OutList("IEN116SRVS", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* DNS Nameservers */
- OutList("DNSSRVS", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* LOGGING servers */
- OutList("LOGSRVS", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* Quote of day/Cookie servers */
- OutList("QODSRVS", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* LPR servers */
- OutList("LPRSRVS", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* Impress (Imogen) servers */
- OutList("IMPRESSSRVS", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* Remote Location Protocol servers */
- OutList("RLPSRVS", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* HOSTNAME (may be fqdn or leaf) */
- case TAG_HOST_NAME :
- OutString("HOSTNAME", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* BOOT File Size (ignored) */
- case TAG_BOOT_SIZE :
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* Merit DUMP File name (ignored) */
- case TAG_DUMP_FILE :
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* DOMAIN */
- OutString("DOMAIN", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- OutSearch("SEARCH", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* SWAPServer address */
- OutList("SWAPSRVR", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* Root pathname to mount as root filesystem */
- case TAG_ROOT_PATH :
- OutString("ROOT_PATH", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* Extensions. Name of further Cookie data */
- OutString("EXTEN_FILE", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* NIS (formerly YP) domain name */
- OutString("YPDOMAIN", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* NIS (formerly YP) server */
- OutList("YPSRVR", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* Time servers */
- OutList("NTPSRVS", cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += len + 2 ;
- break ;
- /* END of cookie (phew) */
- case TAG_END :
- if (bootp_verbose)
- logMessage("end of cookie parsing, END tag found") ;
- return ;
- default:
- { char name[30] ;
- if (bootp_verbose) {
- if (tag >= 128 && tag <= 254) /* reserved */
- logMessage("Reserved TAG %d at %d (len %d)", tag, i, len) ;
- else
- logMessage("Unknown TAG %d at %d (len %d)", tag, i, len) ;
- }
- sprintf(name, "T%3.3d", tag) ;
- OutString(name, cookie+i+2, len) ;
- i += 2 + len ;
- }
- break ;
- }
- }
- /* No SUBNET TAG in the cookie so we fake guess here, if this is wrong
- then fix your bootp server to tell us the answer rather than
- hacking this code. */
- if (!subnet) {
- struct in_addr netmask ;
- int type ;
- if (bootp_verbose)
- logMessage("Guessing netmask from IP address range") ;
- type = ntohl(temp_addr.s_addr) ;
- if ((type & 0x80000000) == 0) {
- /* Class A */
- netmask.s_addr = htonl(0xFF000000) ;
- } else if ((type & 0x40000000) == 0) {
- /* Class B */
- netmask.s_addr = htonl(0xFFFF0000) ;
- } else if ((type & 0x20000000) == 0) {
- /* Class C */
- netmask.s_addr = htonl(0xFFFFFF00) ;
- } else { /* GOD KNOWS... other classes are weird */
- if (bootp_verbose)
- logMessage("IP number not Class A,B or C. Setting NETMASK to zero") ;
- netmask.s_addr = htonl(0x00000000) ;
- }
- OutString("NETMASK", (unsigned char *)inet_ntoa(netmask), -1);
- temp_addr.s_addr &= netmask.s_addr ;
- OutString("NETWORK", (unsigned char *)inet_ntoa(temp_addr), -1);
- temp_addr.s_addr |= ~netmask.s_addr ;
- OutString("BROADCAST", (unsigned char *)inet_ntoa(temp_addr), -1);
- }
- }
- /* Print out a list of IP addresses */
- void OutList(char *name,
- unsigned char *cookie,
- int len)
- {
- struct in_addr temp ;
- char lenv[BUFSIZ], *ptr ;
- int n, c, i;
- if (bootp_verbose)
- logMessage("%s found len=%d", name, len) ;
- if ((len % 4) != 0) {
- if (bootp_verbose)
- logMessage("ERROR %s length (%d) not 4 div", name, len) ;
- return ;
- }
- if (len == 0) /* Nothing to do 10/02/94 JSP */
- return ;
- for (n=0,i=1 ; len; len -= 4, cookie += 4, i++) {
- char lbuf[BUFSIZ] ;
- memcpy((char *)&temp, cookie, 4) ;
- ptr = inet_ntoa(temp) ;
- c = strlen(ptr) ;
- sprintf(lbuf, "%s_%d", name, i) ;
- OutString(lbuf, (unsigned char *)ptr, c) ;
- strncpy(lenv+n, ptr, c) ;
- n += c ;
- if (len > 4)
- lenv[n++] = ' ';
- }
- lenv[n] = 0 ;
- doOut(name, lenv) ;
- }
- /* Prints the string passed */
- void OutString(char *name,
- unsigned char *cookie,
- int len)
- {
- char lenv[BUFSIZ];
- if (len == -1)
- len = strlen((char *)cookie) ;
- safecopy((unsigned char *)lenv, cookie, len);
- doOut(name, lenv) ;
- }
- /* Prints the string as usable in a DNS search. This is doing the
- same as the old default BIND (pre 4.9.3) did with a DOMAIN line,
- for backwards compatibility, and since BOOTP doesn't allow a way to
- specify the search path explicitly */
- void OutSearch(char *name,
- unsigned char *cookie,
- int len)
- {
- unsigned char *ptr, *nptr ;
- unsigned char buf[258] ; /* Max len is 255 */
- char lenv[BUFSIZ] ;
- int n=0;
- strncpy((char *)buf, (char *)(cookie), len) ;
- buf[ len + 1 ] = 0 ; /* Null terminate it */
- ptr = buf ;
- while (len) {
- safecopy((unsigned char *)(lenv+n), ptr, len) ;
- n += len ;
- /* Goto next bit */
- nptr = (unsigned char *)strchr((char *)ptr, '.') ; /* Cast cast cast */
- if (nptr == NULL) {
- len = 0 ; /* End of string I hope */
- } else {
- if (strchr((char *)nptr + 1, '.') == NULL) {
- /* Trad to not use last component */
- len = 0 ;
- } else {
- len -= (nptr - ptr) + 1 ;
- ptr = nptr + 1 ;
- lenv[n++] = ' ' ;
- }
- }
- }
- lenv[n] = 0 ;
- doOut(name, lenv) ;
- }
- /* Takes an address and returns useful bits of the name after lookup,
- this was a seperate program, but it is more compact to have both
- together. 17/02/94 JSP */
- int in2host(char *address,
- int bp_pr)
- {
- struct in_addr sin_addr;
- struct hostent *hp;
- char *c ;
- printflag=bp_pr ;
- /* convert to standard network form */
- sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(address);
- /* perform lookup, must have DNS running or have local hosts file at
- this point */
- hp = gethostbyaddr((char *)&sin_addr, sizeof(sin_addr), AF_INET) ;
- if (hp == NULL) {
- logMessage ("bootpc: gethostbyaddr %s", strerror(errno)) ;
- return -1;
- }
- /* Print out a known name to stop repeated calls */
- OutString("DONEIN2HOST",(unsigned char *)"1", -1) ;
- /* Print out full name as returned by the call */
- OutString("HOSTFULL", (unsigned char *)(hp->h_name), -1) ;
- for(c=(char *)hp->h_name; *c ; ++c)
- if(*c == '.') {
- /* Zap first 'dot' to give leaf and domain names */
- OutString("HOSTDOMAIN", (unsigned char *)(c+1), -1) ;
- OutSearch("HOSTSEARCH", (unsigned char *)(c+1), strlen(c+1)) ;
- *c = 0 ;
- OutString("HOSTLEAF", (unsigned char *)(hp->h_name), -1) ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- return 0 ;
- }
- /* Copy those bits of a string which are alphanumeric or in a
- "safe" list of characters. */
- void safecopy(unsigned char *out,
- unsigned char *string,
- int len)
- {
- char safe[] = "./:-_=+[]~()%&*^#@! " ;
- int i, c ;
- for (i =0 ; i < len; ++i) {
- c = string[i] ;
- if (isalnum(c))
- out[i] = c ; /* alphanumeric */
- else { /* Not alphanumeric */
- if (strchr(safe, c) != NULL) {
- out[i] = c ; /* but safe */
- } else {
- out[i] = '?' ; /* NOT safe */
- if (bootp_verbose)
- logMessage("Illegal char 0x%2.2X", c) ;
- }
- }
- }
- out[i] = 0 ;
- }
- void doOut(char *name,
- char *lenv)
- {
- if (printflag & BP_PRINT_OUT) {
- printf("%s='%s'\n", name, lenv) ;
- }
- if (printflag & BP_PUT_ENV) {
- char envb[BUFSIZ], *envp ;
- sprintf(envb, "BOOTP_%s=%s", name, lenv) ;
- envp = strdup(envb) ;
- if (bootp_debug)
- logMessage("ENV setting :%s:", envp) ;
- putenv(envp) ;
- }
- }